ATTACK ROYE AIRFIELD When the Me 262 was originally demon- strated to Hitler in November, 1943, he ordered that it be used as a fast bomber. Although this revolutionary aircraft could have been put into service much sooner as an interceptor (the role for which it was designed), the Fuhrer's requested modifications caused the production of the 262 to be delayed. It was not until the Spring of 1944 that the first Me 262 Sturmvogel bomber units were established. And in October, 1944, Adolf Galland finally got his own fighter unit of Me 262s. YOUR MISSION As part of an Me 262 Sturmvogel unit, you are to attack the Allied-held airfield at Roye. You'll be leading a schwarm of four 262s, each armed with two 551-lb. bombs. Be alert for enemy fighter cover in the area.